Travel Life Hacks
First Things First . . .
Be thankful that you have found the opportunity to vacation and realize that you shouldn't let the opportunity stress you out, but excite you!
Normally whenever I leave for a trip whether it is a weekend trip or a two-week-long trip I always take the time to thoroughly plan out what exactly I need to shop for the trip, do before the trip, do after the trip, and of course pack for the trip. I feel like most anxieties about vacations come from anticipation or just not knowing exactly how to conquer everything.
I start out by taking a page in my journal and splitting the front of the page in half and labeling the top with the destination and shopping list (Charleston Shopping List), underneath I label it with the destination and To-Do list (Charleston To-Do List), and on the top of the back page I label it the destination and Pack List (Charleston Pack List). With the To-Do List and the Pack List, I set them differently by placing them into three columns (Summer, Joseph, & Jagger) so that for each member for my tiny little family I can plan out what each person or as a unit must accomplish before or after vacation or what each person or as a unit should bring or not bring so that way there isn't an issue of overpacking.
I have noticed that this method has worked effectively for my bunch, because before when we wouldn't use this method we would over pack so much and then there was always room for error. Big errors I was noticing were having too much to lug while traveling, the stress in making sure nothing gets forgotten, and most importantly too much time wasted on simply leaving in between destinations.
Now the biggest thing that I know is the hardest is if you're putting your Lists into your journal like I am, I know you're going to be tempted to want to cross things off like my spouse is . . . The goal is to leave them and not cross them off until when you leave from the trip to come home. That way you have in mind exactly on paper what you brought. IF you're in love with the satisfaction of crossing as you go, I would recommend either typing or taking a picture of your lists and printing them that way you can have the option to cross to and from the trip.

We have now successfully used this method for now going on three vacations and have found it to be fully test proof. As for some things that we are still in the testing for savvier travel methods are
Something else that I really appreciate about United and that I have come to learn is how you don't need any print out ticket or really any complex lines outside of just regular TSA because with your phone the tickets are right there and it helps speed the process of it being less wasted time at the airport.
Normally when I fly with them I use a carry on suitcase and a decently sized backpack and I'm set. I have been able to get away with that amount of storage weekend trips and week-long trips. The carry on luggage set I use is from the brand Coolife (
It was a great price on Amazon, they're sturdy, have locks, and most importantly have amazing storage! I totally recommend them!
The backpack that I use for travel is from a local boutique called Dor L Dor that I'm obsessed with that I will link their online website for people outside of the area
All of their items are super affordable, durable, and above all adorable! It is nice too for the bags that I purchase from them the "leather" is vegan and trying to find a vegan leather that holds up is almost impossible for how much I use my bags!
I have noticed that this method has worked effectively for my bunch, because before when we wouldn't use this method we would over pack so much and then there was always room for error. Big errors I was noticing were having too much to lug while traveling, the stress in making sure nothing gets forgotten, and most importantly too much time wasted on simply leaving in between destinations.
Now the biggest thing that I know is the hardest is if you're putting your Lists into your journal like I am, I know you're going to be tempted to want to cross things off like my spouse is . . . The goal is to leave them and not cross them off until when you leave from the trip to come home. That way you have in mind exactly on paper what you brought. IF you're in love with the satisfaction of crossing as you go, I would recommend either typing or taking a picture of your lists and printing them that way you can have the option to cross to and from the trip.
Personally in the aspect of toiletries, I find them to be the biggest difficulty and expense when packing for vacation. The reason being, I buy all of our toiletries normally in bulk so it is easier and cheaper in the long run. The biggest mistake I have noticed others doing that also buy in bulk, is they tend to gravitate to purchasing the travel sizes of their products which honestly can rack up as much as $25-75 depending on the person or the products. I have found that once again reusable has come to be a lifesaver for us. We took a trip over to our local dollar tree and purchased these adorable little packs that came with three larger bottles, one-half size of the larger bottle, one-half size of the half size, a toothbrush cover, and a tiny loofa. We purchased about three of those little packs that racked in about $3 dollars and then proceeded to take my label maker and label them with each of what the items would hold and then filling it with the correct solution.
We have now successfully used this method for now going on three vacations and have found it to be fully test proof. As for some things that we are still in the testing for savvier travel methods are
- Toothpaste & Dental Floss; I'm thinking of possibly squeezing some toothpaste into one of the smaller containers and maybe taking pieces of dental floss and breaking pieces and putting them into a container. We're so weird when it comes to dental products, so I feel as though we would have to try these out for a small trip.
- Perfume; My spouse uses "scentbird" (a monthly subscription for perfume's and cologne's that tend to be luxury scents) his cologne in general, so he just brings that month's cologne with him on the trip. I tend to just bring a reusable travel spray bottle and pour my perfume into it. It just stinks that men's cologne doesn't really have that feature.
- A few Makeup Items; For my makeup like mascara and lipstick, honestly I haven't found a way to make these for travel-friendly but honestly I don't use much makeup so if anyone, of course, has their tips comment below!
We fly United Airlines and primarily for the fact that my first time flying I made the unfortunate accident of going through bag check when I didn't need to and ended up wasting so much time that I ended up missing my flight, and thankfully enough United was so kind enough to realize what happened and put me on the next flight for no charge. So for that being stated, I am forever grateful and have come to realize out of all the flights I have taken thus after that there has been no accidents or issue (thankfully)!
Something else that I really appreciate about United and that I have come to learn is how you don't need any print out ticket or really any complex lines outside of just regular TSA because with your phone the tickets are right there and it helps speed the process of it being less wasted time at the airport.
Normally when I fly with them I use a carry on suitcase and a decently sized backpack and I'm set. I have been able to get away with that amount of storage weekend trips and week-long trips. The carry on luggage set I use is from the brand Coolife (
It was a great price on Amazon, they're sturdy, have locks, and most importantly have amazing storage! I totally recommend them!
The backpack that I use for travel is from a local boutique called Dor L Dor that I'm obsessed with that I will link their online website for people outside of the area
All of their items are super affordable, durable, and above all adorable! It is nice too for the bags that I purchase from them the "leather" is vegan and trying to find a vegan leather that holds up is almost impossible for how much I use my bags!
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